Thursday, January 8, 2009

some signs that i'm really getting older! (maybe not so much shown on the face *hopefully* but definitely physically!!!)

- backaches after sitting in front of the comp to do my report!
- dont feel like waking up too early cos i just cant get up from my comfort-y bed (althou old ppl shd wake up damn early. but i still tink it's a sign of losing my vigour =p)
- my knee hurts occasionally n whenever it does, it hurts quite a lot. my knees will sometimes feel like breaking up n become wobbly like jelly fish!! mmm could it be rheumatism.. arh.. (tts wat the woman who gives me body massage says)
- running slower n slower..

that shd be all the signs i have discovered for now haha not tat much la. so meaning i'm not tat old! wahahaha.. tat day my frens n i were talking abt our ages.. and i realised i'm entering mid twenties soon (nx yr) haha sound damn old! wells... nvm. as long as my heart stays young! i'll be young!!! hahaha (:

i hope i can get my gem module... pls dun increase bid pts anymoreee