woke up this morning still feeling weird in my stomach.. a bit painful. i wonder what exactly is happening to me.. had some porridge before leaving home for work.. took my time to eat cos not much appetite.. started my work this afternoon at ard 2pm and they arranged for me to go for dinner at 4pm!! tat's super early for dinner. but no choice lar.. then worked worked worked all the way till 11 15pm! cos tonight got late nite shopping..
ohh i'm working as "sales associate" and she spelled my surname wrongly!! supposed to be 'siu' but she spelled it as 'sin'.. but anyway the position name sounds cool huh. but hor i'm actually the fitting room girl only haha cos i din wear proper shoes today! they neva tell me beforehand.. so cannot go out see customer! yup.. so i'm stuck in the fitting room hanging clothes for like 9 hours lol. den my blurness appear agn! aww.. i'm supposed to remove hanger and give them back the clothes they wanna try.. but i stupidly gave her back the hanger n i kept the clothes.. super funny!! both of us kept laughing. luckily my supervisor not ard that time =p finally 11pm had came and i can come home to rest.. my legs are aching from long hours of standing!! was so shag on my way home.. hope nobody i know saw me like this!
dunno luckily or unluckily.. saw my sec sch senior again at the bus stop when i leave my house for work today! he travelled to cityhall with me.. and along the way he keep talking n talking to me like we knew each other for ages.. ok lar.. maybe he know me for ages but then i still dun remember knowing him!
ok.. gotta go sleep alr.. tmr working from 12pm till 10pm! gosh.. super long =( come visit me k =)