Sunday, August 16, 2009

peeps.. i'm switching to wordpress! blogspot is cranky!!
my new blog is

Friday, August 7, 2009

today is finally the last day of work! both yay n sigh..
i tot i will be very happy to escape from tt place.. can u imagine, i had NOTHING to do since 8 30am! it's really NONE! not even a form to key in. walau.. so in the end, watched several epi of kang xi, surf net n talk to kat on gmail LOL!!! we're damn slacky! but thinking tt my colleagues are all very nice to me, i cant bear to leave them!! some of them gave me chocolates n chiffon cake while some others came to my workstn to talk to me.. me n my fren bought merci n rocher to give to all those colleagues who helped us along the way.. this guy opp me was quite sad when i give him a rocher to thk for his help n accompany.. aww ):

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

我是否应该为这件事庆祝呢? 没有也烦 有也烦...

我真的不知道什么才是最好的决定 无论是什么决定都有它的利与弊。
我明白你的一片苦心和执著 可是很多东西都不能两全其美的。
命运就是这么喜欢作弄人 偏偏在你得到的时候又出另一个难题给你。

如果当初我们留在原地 也许一切也都不必烦恼了...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

chanced upon fb profile of one of my schoolmates.. and she's married! so fast! it was so coincidental tt i saw kk in the album too.. apparently he's in the same church as her! haha.. recently a lot of ppl had been asking if i'm attached.. somehow it's very pressurising to tell them tt i'm not! cos they'll keep asking why n issit becos i'm too picky.. maybe i am, just a little haha.. haiz but fate is just not there. i cant help it too.

the bank loan slip had reached! tt means i gotta draw up a saving plan for myself! need to stop all impulsive buyings altho i got a damn long mental shopping list for myself after i get my job! well well, but before tt, i guess i need a job n my pay! boo..

Saturday, August 1, 2009

today went out to celebrate mum's bday and aso to buy a gift for my bro for his accomplishment!! my bro acty scored 131/150, which is a distinction for his grade 8 piano practical exam!! omg. i cant do it, but he did! whoa.. it's like super rare n difficult to get for grade 8 lo!!! so, the two irritating ppl said tt today's expenses will be on me! grr.. haha but ok la, i'm happy to spend tt money. (:

first, we went novena sq's 'zhou's kitchen' for dim sum buffet lunch.. took lots of retarded pics there! lol.. next, we proceeded to ion orchard n taka to shop.. bought a new nike shoes for my bro at taka. he even wanted a new mp3.. mmm see how ba, maybe get it after i get my first pay haha! finally, we went to our fave dining restaurant - crystal jade's hk cafe for dinner. damn tired after whole day of walking!! heez

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

finally my 'sametime' is up! woots. can finally chat w my fren in office. oops! well.. i hate acting busy. act for half an hr, ok.. but act for like 2 hrs... pls, i rather not working cos it's super xin ku to secretly surf net while hiding the website from my other colleagues or supervisor, cos apparently there's some backstabber who complained to my supervisor tt my fren had nth to do! in the end, my fren n i concluded tt govt sector paper work is really not our cup of tea~ but overall, the ppl there are nice (:

today is the 2nd time that i see the so-called 'massage ladies' at the special-service massage parlor grabbing customers at night! it's damn disgusting!! a few nites ago, i tink one of the guys saw me walking past them and he pretend shy n keep saying: "aiya i dun wan lar, dun ask me!", his fren replied:"aiya, nvm one lar.. come on".. i act as if i neva hear n walk, when i turn my head back, the 'shy' guy is gone! see, pretend only!!!

hoping for miracles to happen.. *pray* pls pls..

Sunday, July 26, 2009

okok time to update my long forgotten blog lol.

went to take grad pics with my GT5001 frens at raffles place area.. see the pics on my fb! heez lots of tourists n ppl took snapshots of us! weird~ haha it's damn hot to walk ard with the gown.. esplanade was like heaven cos there's aircon! =p

nothing much happening recently.. just a boring work life. everyday sleep quite early.. ok, the collegues there are quite nice. one of the guys there look somewhat like another fren of mine, esp when he smile! so i feel like seeing my fren whenever i see my collegue.. 2 more weeks to the end of my contract. what's next?