but then i'm very lousy.. whenever i go for buffets, i will feel very uncomfortable after that. actually i didnt eat a lot, but i think my stomach is not very good, so it does protest after big feast like this! vomited once outside, and then vomited another time at home.. the feeling is so disgusting!! skipped my dinner cos i really dun wan to put anything inside my stomach now, only had glasses of warm water. and yup i will be good young mama and be guai to eat my med lol. banned from buffet too.. aww.. i think i really have some phobia le
after buffet, shuyu, mx, angie n i went shopping at bugis.. tried on some funny looking ugly specs! then angie got her new pair of jeans and we accompanied mx for her ear piercing at goldheart jewellery! yayy she finally got her holes back hehe. and her bday present is set! earrings haha.
anyway i'm happy cos i just got a 3 days temp job! all thanks to mx haha.. love u! opps, kat i dun mean it. she's still yours =p. although it's just retail assistant but i'm happy alr cos at least it helps to kill some of my free time and have some pocket money =) the guy says i maybe able to get another temp receptionist job in some angmoh co. too. but that one will be later this month and he says i need to put on makeup for that job! omg. i neva put on makeup before in my life except for the ugly ones by my teachers during my sec sch choir performance =s it'll be good if i can get it then maybe i will go n start to learn makeup haha..
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