watched 'made of honour'.. it's a really sweet movie and we enjoyed it! if u're thinking wat movie to catch, this will be a nice one =) and i think the girl looks very sweet n pretty hehe..

next, went pepper lunch at taka for dinner and shopped ard orchard. but we havent come out with the shopping list so no shou huo today..i reali wan to shop but wan to save money in case i can go holi.. so refrained from looking at ladies section.. heez then, went borders to hang ard n see if got any interesting book. we came across this children book with 1000 questions. these questions seriously are so difficult! dunno if kids would even know how to answer them! one of the qn is like.. which organism exist before dinosaur? a) jellyfish b) ... c) .. d) mice.. my guess was a. but js said it's d. ok.. dunno who's right. no ans provided. haha! but this book did fascinate the two of us and we spent at least half an hr there playing =D anyway u take care k. dun tired urself out. actually tried to bake sometime this afternoon but failed. aww so sad.. shall try again soon when the expert (my mummy) comes back from hk. hahaha!! =)
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