bday mother! haha
after tat, went g2000 to buy a set of formal clothing to prepare for maybe any interview or my commencement! haha super advance shopping but got sales so not tat bad. then, we went sentosa!!! haha my silly idea. cos mum said she didnt go there for many yrs already, think since i go sec sch, we neva go sentosa tog anymore.. so ya, i brought her to sentosa! took the monorail in and alighted at beach station. at first wanted to treat her to the skyride too but she said it's very hot n sunny, so went back to the shade agn.. took the free tram ride to siloso beach n back. enjoy the scenery n people-watch along the way!! it's been such a long time since i go to special places like sentosa with mummy and i really love it. we never know how many opportunities we've got to show our concern to our parents, so make full use of all these chances now! =)
due to some bad cramps since this afternoon, i dun think i can go for the nike training tmr! argh.. maybe will make up for it next week when i have breaks in between my lab. hehe i hope i'm not that lazy.. but shd be still gg chinatown w my bitches tmr la haha =D
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