Saturday, September 27, 2008

sometimes the sweetest words, loving phrases and concerns are not said to the one u feel closest to, the one u love and care the most. i tink i'm one of the stupid ppl who practice that. i tend to hide my feelings, say the opposite words and may even vent my frustrations on them at the end of a stressful day, believing that they will not be angry cos they're the ones whom will understand my true feelings n still love me even when i do so. now i dunno if i had over-practiced that.. kinda regret it. i'm terribly sorry if i had hurt you. i do care abt u a lot, i care your every actions, your every words, perhaps tat's why i get irritated when i think too deeply into ur words.. i wan to tell u how much i care but sometimes the words just dun come out. sorry for my ignorance, arrogance, bad temper.. maybe i expected too much out of you too. =( sorry mummy.. although i know u will not read this post.. i love u.

anyway.. pls dun tell me how much u wan to go out n meet up with me n say hope to see me when u free, when u dun even remember correctly when is my birthday for 3 consecutive years! this is making me v.upset.. for someone whom i had been caring so much over these years, and me always trying my best to prepare ur gift n plan ur bday nicely. now u dun even rmb my correct dob. i really dun mind if u tell me u're busy so cant meet me this week but pls dun forget my bday.

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