Tuesday, December 30, 2008
sometimes i do wish time could standstill. stop at the happiest moments but we all know it's impossible.. so we must learn to cherish the happy times every single seconds (:
i love my family, my 13yaos, my uni frens and my frensssss (:
Just a recap of wat happened this year:
earlier on this yr wasnt too happy due to some unsettled matters n i had finally did sth very brave. rather proud of myself seriously haha. maybe it is not a bad idea afterall.
the sem went on and had the last TQ events in my nus life.. then comes exams.
after exams were holi n start of fyp! my first encounter of lab rats in my entire life. my initial fear of rats was gone after some interactions with them n i began to fall in love with them (: they're uber cute n tamed n fat!!!! i miss them. mickeys, i'm sorry that i have to kill u all. hope u all are having great time in ur cheesy paradise now! there were several nites that u all appear in my dreams.. how i wish i could keep u all as my pets but i couldnt ): oh ya, mickeys, pls bless me with good fyp results!!! haha
fyp went on n on crazily for the following 5 mths. lack of sleep n freedom were common issues among the honours students heez but we survived thru the 1st sem alr and now it's already the end of the first sem of yr 4! jiayou!!
towards the end of the yr, our little grp of bitches find that it is very impt to have great time management and be truthful to frens.. there's nothing to hide if we see each other as great frens. right? heehee i really love our sharing sessions and little talks! bleahzz (:
had a great holiday in hk. did lots of shopping n enjoyed the time with my family.. however, it's also time to start thinking abt my future le. shd i go back to hk? will i get a job or study there? haiz i dun wan to think abt it now.. i wan to enjoy my last day of 2008 at least heez!
My new year resolutions:
get good grades (same for my bro =))
earn lots of money (same for my daddy =))
get a good job/study program
have good health (same for my family =))
lose weight wahaha
shake off the LTH curse!!!!
find the special someone (: (turning 24 alr! sianz)
Monday, December 29, 2008
went shokudo for lunch n celebrated germain's 22nd bday!! omg i'm already turning 24 and she's only 22.. arghh envy heez.. and the brownie cheesecake is damn nice. but the cake shop is so far away! near to bishan leh.. i love our gossiping.. from 忧郁男to NIE to our future to modules to rabbits..
after tat, we wanted to go for bowling at marine sq but the lanes were all booked, have to wait for at least 1-2 hrs!!! oh gosh.. so we went to opposite to play pool for another 2 hrs. it was a totally hilarious pool session cos all of us dun really know how to play except michelle, wanpei and germain.. we keep on making funny strokes that either dun hit the white ball at all or hit the white ball only but not any other balls and the ball can even jump and fly out of the table!!
then we walked to the pitstop for some board games n snacks as we're still a bit full from the late lunch. the gaming session was fun too! i think we made the most noise in the entire level. oops but we're all enjoying ourselves (: played for 2 hrs till their closing time at 11pm..
mum n bro coming back Spore tmr afternoon! finally! finally got someone to cook for me, wash clothes for me, clean the house for me.. oops! i'm so lazy to do things myself..
time to get settled down and start on my proper report!!! i dun wan to screw up my fyp report. jiayouuuu!! (:
Sunday, December 28, 2008
i cant decide on my cores. haiz. the modules that i prefer are said to be hard and i dun like those modules that some other ppl suggest. and i have to do one more UE this coming sem and there're so little choices left. it's so hard to decide. sigh.. fan nao ahhh..
i have yet to really start on my fyp report. sigh.. supposed to hand in to my prof after my holiday but i am still so slackey n keep gg out, dun hav time to type a proper report =p
had a great time with my darlings today (: love the crapping n shopping time!
not sure issit cos i always skip my meals.. so i dun feel very well after having the plate of phat thai seafood at Thai Express just now.. felt like puking n so bloated.
yay we're having countdown to 2009 party at mx hse. the theme will be sporty look! i think i'm gg to be a golfer hahaha.. i will bring my children golf play set or maybe just one golf rod. so exciting (:
Thursday, December 25, 2008
enjoyed our cooking time, our game session and our chitchat session!! it's so rare that we hear things from the guys heeheez jiayou wors.. dun give up!
we were so shag after the stayover haha are we too old for it?? =p
for the pics, pls refer to fb (:
dear santa papa.. can i have my xmas wish to be granted? heehee!! pls grant all my dear frens' wishes written on the wish cards hang on the tree too.. and those other wishes in their hearts but may not have written on the card yest. (: thank you santa. i love you...
yeah.. badminton tmr. sat: baking session. sun: og girls gathering (:
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
it's my ermm... 2nd christmas spent in Sg over so many years haha..
i used to spend my christmas with everyone of my maternal family except for my auntie's family who's in LA (: used to have a party with a big christmas tree at the top storey of my bungalow before i come singapore and we'll have big feast n gift exchange after some games! den after i come sg, we'll have parties in my popo or elder uncle's house and as usual we'll have maybe bbq or steamboat or feast before game sessions n lucky draw! this year we had bbq at popo's hse then played white elephant (game that involves gift exchange).. it was super fun!! even my little uncle said tat he neva knew gift exchange could be soo fun hahaa. really love my family (except for times when they argue lar haha =p)
i kinda miss hk.. or rather i miss hk and my family a lot!! heez for these two days when i sleep alone at sg home, i dream of them every nite! i can clearly see my popo, my mum, my cousins doing sth in my hk hse.. i miss watching tv, dvd, playing uno attack, 'fly aeroplane', poker etc with my family n cousins. ^-^
a bit disappointed with myself for the results revealed yest.. haiz dun tink so much now.. one more sem to jiayou!! maybe everything is 命中注定! =p
it's time to be happy again! cos tonite we're having our suspenders xmas partyyyy yay!! looking forward to it (:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
coming back is both happy n sad.. happy to see my frens agn. sad to leave my "瞎拼-shopping", massage, dinners, bbq, steamboat, family gatherings - filled holiday!
to see the pics, can go visit my fb! heez cos my blog cannot align the pics properly! =p
time to settle down n concentrate agn! last sem to go!! and result will be released tmr.. ah i just hope it wont affect my current cap much.
look forward to our xmas party (: yayy
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I'm so drained these few days due to intensive n stressful lab sessions. stayed in lab from 9+am till ard 5-6pm everyday. and i had to skip my lunch as my expt had no waiting time or rather the waiting time is used to do other expts.. skipped 3 days of lunch alr. sigh. one more day to go!! den i can sleep, eat, shop till shuang. yay! (:
so tired till i can fall asleep while standing in e early morning crowded train! haha i tink i looked damn ugly with those sleepy eyes but nvm.. i dun care much cos everyone look sleepy too. lol. and i tink i dozed off during the lab course just now. hahaha damn paiseh. hope nobody saw me dozing off. =p
have to start packing my bag heez. cant wait to step on the hk land (:
Monday, December 1, 2008
i'm so happy. i managed to learn up photoshop myself today.. although took me quite sometime to figure out some of the steps hahaha yay!! i did up our christmas party ticket already. (:
din meet up w my gt5001 members today cos i guess we're all lazy. lol. so i went home to tidy my room instead. the desk is now a bit neater tho my bro still suan me tat it doesnt look diff from before
my K1 piano kid - chloe is super funny today!!! she came back from shopping just now with a new pram for her 'jessica' (her baby doll) and she keep telling me the pram is supposed to be a SURPRISE for jessica. haha i think kids are damn cute lar!
then.. in the middle of the lesson, she'll sudden talk in those baby voice like "chloe, i wan to play the piano with you. i dun wan to sleep" den she'll turn back to the doll in the pram n say "jessica, u are supposed to be sleeping, u cannot come up. go sleep ok." and all those funny imaginations of chloe went on n on during the class. she even intro me to jessica's 'neighbour' - joyce, who is sleeping in the pram nx to jessica's n told me joyce's life story lol. I have no choice but have to join in for a short while so as to get chloe engaged in the piano class agn. In the end, i have to carry jessica, help jessica play piano, change jessica diapers, push the pram to coax jessica to sleep etc etc. At the end of the lesson, chloe told me "teacher xing rong, jessica wan to learn piano from u also, can u teach her every week? please... (give me those begging look) i always play piano with her but she dun like me to teach her leh.." i almost wanted to laugh out but i remain calm n said "oh really, okok nx time i teach her aso but make sure u practice piano with her everyday ok?" haha. she went on n say "next time i wan to have my own baby. ALIVE one. babies are so cute." i think to her at this moment, babies are only categorised into living n non-living haa.. so ke ai!!
chloe's bro was a sadist. he'll like " chloe, i help u push jessica ard ok." after tat he'll push jessica's pram to the end of the house n den he'll push damn hard onto the pram, making the pram roll to the other end of the house itself!!! he purposely wanna gek his sis. damn funny!!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
after the terrible marine bio paper today. my GT5001 group went down to the cathay to catch 'cape no.7'. It is quite boring at the beginning of the movie but it was really touching at the later parts and i cried terribly till my clothes was a bit wet lol. i'm too easily touched =p the tune n lyrics really touch my heart.. esp 国境之南.. i love the song!!!
當陽光再次回到那 飄著雨的國境之南
我會試著把那一年的故事 再接下去說完
當陽光再次離開那 太晴朗的國境之南
妳會不會把妳曾帶走的愛 在告別前用微笑全歸還
海很藍 星光燦爛 我仍空著我的臂彎
天很寬 在我獨自唱歌的夜晚
請原諒我的愛 訴說的太緩慢
then, after some psycho-ing by my grp members, i stayed on and had dinner with them at pasta de waraku. shared a scallop prawn pizza n had my own serving of maccha ice cream with some glutinous ball on it. it's damn nice althou it's sinful too haha.
after which, took some photos along orchard road. the xmas street lights are charming (: we'll take more tmr kk heehee..yayyy so happy.
gg buffet tmr. gt5001 meeting on sun n waraku w girls on mon. (:
however, gotta start chiong my lab nx week before i fly off. sian.. i dun wan to re-do anymore. the results better be good this time. pray hard.
my blog is weird. i cant upload pics properly! hrumph.. sad. to see the pics i took today, can go to my fb n see hahahaha (:
things to do before fri: tidy my desk drawer, tidy my cupboard, clear my notes, pack my luggage..
Monday, November 24, 2008
GT5001 pre-requisite: 'cape no.7'
dear group members, are we watching tat on friday? (:
1 paper down. 2 more to go. but i'm already in holiday mood. shit! =p have to buck up tmr!
i dunno if i slept last nite. it feels like i did but my mind is aware of things happening ard me. weird.
i wan to go shopping but i dunno what to buy cos too many things on my mind. one thing i definitely have to buy is my little cousin's bday gift heehee gonna celebrate his bday when i reach hk.
kat, tmr's ur last paper liao. jiayou n good luck!! (: start doing 'research' ok haha
sometimes whether u keep to ur promises doesnt matter anymore. cos as long as u dun appear, it doesnt bother me.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
need to plan my time properly. i mean after exams. heehee so as to have enough time to play n also to chiong my lab before i fly off on 5 dec. changing flight is really damn ex! 90bucks. heartpain. just hope the money is worth spending.
and i cant wait for my GT5001 meeting! (:
GT5001 - Grad trip 5001
Pre-requisite: Complete all level 4 modules
No. of vacancy: 5 - 6
Venue: Taiwan with or without HK
i cant wait for our xmas party too! (:
suddenly some feeling within me is fading off. is it a good thing afterall? or am i just refraining myself from thinking abt it? i dun wish to think abt it now.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
needa chiong my mugging cos i really wish that my results would improve so that i could pull it near to 2nd upper n hopefully get into the PG prog (passed my transcript to my mum's fren alr, he'll bring it back n maybe show the prof but the basic req for PG is 2nd upper, a bit hard).. acty if cant get in aso nvm la, shall just work lor haha
almost wanted to cry last nite.. i hate my bro. i really dislike the noise at home when my mum n bro quarrel. i tried not to listen n get distracted but it's far too loud for me to ignore it.. grr. sometimes i wish i could choose my sibling.
i'm so excited abt our waraku date, our suspenders' xmas party and our scrapbooking session!! (: spending time w my darlings are my fave times. (: had been thinking a lot abt the future but no matter what, what's with us in the present is still the best 'present' for me!!
"once in a lifetime means there's no second chance"
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
at first we wanted to catch the 11 05 show at downtown east cathay. but we were a bit late so bought the 12pm show instead. since we're too early to enter the cinema, we went to play arcade! haha it's been zillion yrs since i stepped into arcade! but nowadays the arcade need us to buy the tapz card, which need us to pay a certain deposit n spend at least 20bucks for the card! not worth for us who rarely play to buy ma, so we approached some xiao di di to lend us the card n pay them back money haha in the end we played 5 games at the basketball machine! it's super exciting n fun haha.. good way to destress!!! we were like perspiring after throwing dozensss of balls. we took quite a few retarded funny pics too!

and finally it's time to watch 'high school musical 3'!!! (: the show was nice n very sweet.. i wan to have a bf like troy hahaha!! super sweet, caring, sensitive n talented and i wan my bf to climb up a tree to bring me pizza n strawberries coated w choco as supper.. wahahaha XD angie n kat aso wan bf like tat heehee!!
den we went airport coffee bean to study! was talking n gossiping while studying.. as usual. haha i love these kinda days man. we have to go drink coffee n chit chat after our exams!!! (:
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
feeling so tired and had terrible headache after gym session with angie. so i slept all the way from 5 till 7pm for dinner.. after dinner was busy watching tv till 11plus! heehee damn slack. =p i hope this kinda days will come more often..
Friday, October 24, 2008
妈妈说人长大了,出去做工了,就算是以前就认识的朋友不会再向从前那样那么亲近..因为大家始终会有自己的家,自己的生活..在那边我也可以认识新朋友,将来我有空还是可以回来找回我的好朋友们的,而且资讯那么发达我还是可以在网上和朋友们联络的..她说得也没有错,而回去也是我的心愿..只是我有太多的舍不得和放不下.. ):
Monday, October 20, 2008
havent been revising any of my notes due to overwhelming amount of assignments and the presentation scheduled this coming thurs. my group is still revising our ppt slides after meeting the prof on friday. need a big big ''renovation'' sianz..
my last week to see my babies! :( they're leaving to the cheese paradise on friday.. sigh. they're damn cute n love to sa jiao! baby no.1 loves to climb on my palm n get sayang-ed by me.. love to rub his nose n head against my palm aso! he simply refuse to leave my palm when i try to get him away. sooo cute! then no.2 is getting rebellious n refuse to eat med.. no.3 is still humji n always try to use his little claws to take the tube from his mouth.. so sad i cant take pic of my babies cos my baby's room is infected by pinworms. need to wear extra protective equipment to enter n have to disinfect all the stuffs when i'm out, so i dun dare to take my hp out to take their lovely pics :(
sorry dw, missed ur comment previously. i just replied! =p
Friday, October 17, 2008
had been trying to avoid any unnecessary troubles, pls stay away from me.
it's edited cos my horoscope says: although someone had did sth that had disappointed u very much, do not be too honest abt it n no need to tell the person in the face. haha quite true. so ya.. edited.lol.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
went for late night movie w emma just now. took a cab home n reached at almost 12am! we caught 'connected' at the shaw century haha. cant believe it's quite full at an ulu cinema on a mon nite! but anyway, i think it's really really exciting n super touching at the end. i cried a bit. for those who had caught the movie, u shd rmb the canal scene.. the canal is located at my estate. and actually i was at the canal when they were filming it in hk last dec! haha my dad's car was just parking nx to the canal! we just had our dim sum breakfast at some restaurant n when we're gg to get our car, we saw ppl filming down there. had been expecting it to appear in some movie/ tv drama n now it happened to be in this 'connected' haha
elsa n i had planned to go shopping n hk offshore island-visiting + take the 360 degree-view cable car when we meet in hk this coming dec =))) so nice to meet my fellow hk-er in hk instead of normal class gathering in spore haha
i miss a lot of ppl. really hope to find some time for us to meet up. anyway, thanks for being there. it makes my day.
Friday, October 10, 2008
anyway, was busy doing lab since 10 plus then went off to celebrate hw's bday at munchie monkey w grace, xkk, alex n ry for a while.. the food at mm is deteriorating.. but their yummy brownie is still up to the std! (: after the lunch, went back lab to continue my expt, which is not producing any good result for me.. sad :( haiz keep re-doing and in the end late for my dinner date.
went geylang for dinner w shu, angie, hl, marcus n andy. reduced strength of 13yaos. had bak ku teh, durian and finally tau huay! yayy very full.. but nice ((: i love it. nice n funny chats during our each food station.. small dinner gatherings w frens are really enjoyable. thanks shu's dad for driving us back to bedok mrt too!!
finally no need to go sch on sat/sun. i wan to rot at home n be an assignment machine to churn out 2 assignments. sianz.
sometimes ambiguity is more beautiful i guess.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
i tink i talk to u more than anyone else recently. see each other often n chat on msn. sometimes i'm quite 'shocked' that u're open to me abt ur feelings abt stuffs ard although we dunno each other for long. jiayou. we can make it thru the odds!
take care my dear frens. work is getting tougher and life is full of challenges and unforeseen obstacles, but hang on! we're here for each other =)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
some pics taken this weekend!

byebye shaun
group pic before shaun enters the gate
shaun is the photographer. his last time this yr to take pic FOR us! lol

my dear og girls @ dimsum buffet
my prawning kakis
i caught a fish in the prawn pond
yummy prawns! =)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
went zhou's kitchen for dim sum buffet and my dear og girls are so sweet. germain n michelle brought in the nice bday cake as the restaurant's instrumental music turns to happy birthday song! so touched and they gave me this plate w their wishes written on it =)
after tat went airport to meet grace, xkk, yiki n weekeat for dinner. ate dinner at fish n co. then my ice cream cake at swensens heez. had lotsa fun there! thanks e 4 of them + alex n ruoya for ur gifts.. fiejapan bracelet n crabtree hand cream!! grace knows my loves heez
happy!! tmr gg prawning with my 13yaos girls. yayyyy =D
Saturday, September 27, 2008
anyway.. pls dun tell me how much u wan to go out n meet up with me n say hope to see me when u free, when u dun even remember correctly when is my birthday for 3 consecutive years! this is making me v.upset.. for someone whom i had been caring so much over these years, and me always trying my best to prepare ur gift n plan ur bday nicely. now u dun even rmb my correct dob. i really dun mind if u tell me u're busy so cant meet me this week but pls dun forget my bday.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
tmr meeting peipei for dinner at marina sq. haha i just realised it'll be the 1st nite of F1. i bet it'll be crowded over there! so shuang. tmr morning decki is going to drive me to school! no need to squeeze mrt.. haha so nice of him! =D
sat meeting my og girls for dim sum buffet.. after that meeting grace n gang for dinner!
sun afternoon meeting my darling 13yaos girls-exclusive for prawning at pasir ris prawn pond.. town park there. girls, let's meet at 2pm at pasir ris interchange!! i'm sooooo looking forward to the prawning. wanted to try it for such a long time. i bet hx is looking forward too =))
Monday, September 22, 2008
tmr gonna start another round of feeding liaoz. hopefully this so-called midterm break will be a little more relaxed than normal days. just visited my fatty mickeys this evening. one of them so hum ji! he wan to escape la. i have an aim and tat is to tame them to guai babies. =)
anyway, thanks my dear 13yaos. thanks for the bday cake, the makeup set n aso the fishball noodles in case u all dunno where the $ went to. lol love u all loads *muacks* =D
i had booked air tix back hk alr. will be gone from 7-22 dec! dont miss me ya =p let's have x'mas party at my hse. i will go psycho my mum soon to lend out our hse during xmas.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
my memory is failing me.
my work is piling up to the sky.
my nose is addicted to ur perfume.
my 1st time watching anime, 3 episodes somemore.
my sat spent in sch agn. luckily got u wait for me while anime-ing.
my 1st time steamboat at bugis tmr. with my 13yaos gang to celebrate our bdaysss.
my mind is flying away...
Thursday, September 18, 2008
suddenly u asked me, what is my wish for my bday, what do i want, anything in particular..
hmm.. this question set me thinking what is the thing i would wan the most at this present moment. perhaps if u had asked me abt my bday wish last yr or the yr before. i would be certain of wat i wan. but now, i really dunno.. in the past i used to think wish will come true if u're really sincere, but now i guess we wish for the sake of wishing onli.. cos my wishes neva came true, at least for the latest 2 yrs de.
yayy tmr gg to shop with angie!! gg to drink at nite too! =) anyway, happy birthday angie. u're finally 22!! hope u had a great day!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
let the pictures tell the story!
Saturday, September 13, 2008

其实,我哪里都不想去.然而,会有人在地下铁的出口等我吗? - <地下铁>

但是冬天总是会过去,春天总是会来··· - <向左走, 向右走>
Friday, September 12, 2008
did lab today from 9 till 2++. luckily johann da bao food for me then i can be lazy n just eat! damn hungry n tired.. then went for tennis w decki n his frens. my first time playing tennis. i'm the lousiest n so paiseh to keep hitting to the air! =p after tat went marina sq to repair my mp3 n discovered it's not spoilt afterall.. so now considering whether to buy ipod nano anot. shd i save the money n spent in on other stuffs like watch n bag? but it looks cool leh. haha maybe i shd buy in hk where it'll be cheaper so i can buy all the stuffs i wan! =p
then met my parents at far east plaza for korean bbq! it's niceeeee =)) it's quite worth it la considering the wide spread of food on the table.. we ordered set meal for 2..it got ginseng chicken soup, beebimbab, chicken, pork collar n 6 side dishes. we aso added one more plate of wu hua lan n seafood pancake! total bill $107.

after tat went isetan for quick shopping.. and my parents got me a pair of earrings, which i had lost quite sometime ago, as my lunar bday prezie! haha my parents love to celebrate my lunar bday, which is gg to be tmr! they wan to get me a cake from canele patisserie too but i think it's ex n not necessary so din buy in the end. but still happy in heart! =) oh my auntie in L.A. aso rmb my lunar bday haha n wished my happy bday on msn. how sweet!!! =))
tmr gg to have a stayover sec sch gathering in our sec sch! how cool is tat.. stepping in after 6yrs. haha celebrating mooncake festival aso.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
stupid mangrove! my toe is now swollen with pus =( so painful.. cant walk properly today. all cos of soaking my feet in the dirty n smelly mangrove water during the fieldtrip last week and i got a cut the day before the fieldtrip. so suay!
anyway iris, the photos are very beautiful. and u look like popstar! haha happy for u =D sigh.. looking at ur pics, makes me think when will my turn comes or rather when will the 'first part' of this path ever comes. i am hopeful still but pls dun let it to come too late haha.. had leaped over the previous hurdle and setting my life back to normal again, waiting for an angel to appear n lead me to a blissful future =)
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
started off ard 4 15pm. huge crowd. 11k ppl wearing the bright red race tee. very the people the mountain the people the sea. lol. only managed to start our real run at 4 50pm due to batch release of runners.. all thanks to angie who ran with me. kept me going =))) hx n kat ran tog but far far in front of us haha v. li hai! =) good job.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
ok i know it's irritating to keep repeating this. but i must say.. i really love my 'pets', they are so guai today! and my mentor just sent me 2 photogenic pic of them.. so shuai (cos they're males).
met up with xkk n grace for lunch today. really had a great laugh man! haha then went to teach kieran n chloe at nite. havent been seeing them since 2 weeks ago. had great time playing n talking and they gave me a surprise!! cutie chloe told notti kieran in the beginning of the class tat cannot tell me the secret. so i asked her, what secret is tat, can share it with me? but she refused. after tat, as usual, kids cant keep secret lol, she went to her room and brought out a prezie -- big water bottle and a card for me! wished me happy teacher's day!!! super touched! *hugs* so sweet of her family. after tat, kieran aso brought out a card and a soft toy flower for me!! =) i'm so happy.. they're just too nice to me. love them to the max.
yeah, gg to watch 'wall-e' with kat, angie n shaun tmr! wall-eeeee =D
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
it had been a really stressful n tiring month.. had not been catching much slp everynite. no time to revise n think of any topic to work on for one of my module too. all i wan is more sleep! nightmares regarding sch and fyp very often.. my fren aso agreed she experiences the same too. sighhh.. whenever we close our eyes to slp, wat we do during fyp just enters our dream. for her is pipetting n other lab stuffs, for me is seeing myself feeding my mickeys =(
3 more days with my pets =( [more pic as requested by iris =p]

they love digging holes!

he climb on my hand himself to be patted by me!

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
had dinner at marina sq food court.. chopped a table next to the glass panel, was thinking it was a pretty good spot to watch fireworks and in aircon somemore haha. but then the signboard lightings was too strong and was reflected onto the glass, so we guess the view will be affected. in the end squeezed with the crowd at the glass door.. waited for long long time before firework starts. but the wait is worth it! the fireworks display is damn nice.. i love the part when diff colours come in and when the little shimmering lights emit after a huge circle of colourful light explodes. ok the descriptions a bit cmi, so i shall just conclude it as a very nice display! haha
after that me n shaun met up with kat n hl at raffles place mrt stn.. then headed down to simpang bedok to have supper with angie n hx!! we are super gossipy today sia. but i love it!! so bitchy (our gang wat) lol. really enjoy moments with u girls (shaun, u promised to turn to girl for today de).. then by the time we realise it's time to go home, it's alr 12am! haha. talk till never keep track of the time!! so funny, most of our hp went no batt today.. 3/4 of the bitch gang gossiped even more while waiting for the bus no.9 to come. love u girls =) i wonder how will my days be without all of u.. it's supposed to be my sleeping time now, but i think i'm too high to be sleeping la. haha very bad. tmr still have to reach sch at 8+!! =p
somethings are amazing. angie u shd know wat i'm referring to la. haha.. somethings just appeared n exit without us realising it. and we know we're much happier now.. so keep it this way ok.
sigh.. never meet each other although we're at the same food court watching fireworks. just like wat happened 2 yrs ago, if u still rmb. is it fated?
Friday, August 22, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
today is a super duper busy day. had been working non-stop from 8am till 7 30pm! i'm practically in my lab/sch for 12hrs!!! had to perform some procedure on my mickeys this morning including blood tests. and my current lab coat which i had only worn for 3 days is very badly dirtied by the shit n blood as they keep rotating their tails like helicopters to get away from my hand haha..and their blood even shoot to my neck lo. er xin! luckily i got a new lab coat agn! heehee. this one is sent to wash immediately..
then i told n showed cc my labcoat when i got back my lab and he was very funny! he immed go to take some plasters from the cupboard and ask me to bring to them next time. put plaster for them den they wont dirty my coat and even took out those small small plasters to demo which one to use. haha!! i just keep laughing man. my pets will looks cute with plasters lol.
stayed in sch to finish up some lab work.. by the time i finish it was ard 7+.. watched short part of 7pm drama there haha. actually quite relaxing at nite cos i can just do everything slowly n walk slowly n eat slowly.. i love lazing ard! =)
Monday, August 18, 2008
weekends are spent in the lab.. luckily got cc to eat lunch with me and pei me till he go for badminton! haha.. slacked in the lab office eating tau huay n watching olympics online tog! i love discussing abt the games cos i know nuts abt the game rules. finally i learnt some sports stuffs.. at first i tot he's like a bookworm due to his appearance (hope he will never ever see my blog man) heh =p.. then after knowing him for a while n play badminton tog.. i discover he's really good in sports! badminton, gym, basketball, cycling, skating, table tennis, volleyball sch team! and maybe more that i havent discover. omg. i am stunned but i neva tell him tat. haha it feels good when the lab is not as boring as it seems. now i know more ppl from other labs too. haha some which i only see them in lecture last time, now see them more often ard since we're on the same level in the research building.
avoiding any unwanted. how long can i avoid it?
wish time can go back to those good old days, when there're less troubles, worries, stress and workload. take good care of urself.
Friday, August 15, 2008
needs more breaks to study n relax.. and i wan to wake up late! only 6-7hrs of slp per nite is just not enuff for a pig like me..
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
i am a very bad researcher. i am a murderer. who can be more careless n cruel than me? haiz.. really feel like crying. my mind is occupied by the death of my 2nd rat today. i found a dead rat agn this morning.. its body is cold n stiff. it mus have died long time ago due to rigor mortis seen. i am very bad. my tears are goshing out. then my LO came to dissect it, i can see all its organs and when she said his lungs are a little red (meaning i had caused bleeding in his lungs due to my stupid hand inserting the tube to the wrong place) i feel like an empty soul since then.. why am i so bad? very scared tat it may happen agn. everyday just carry hope to sch that none will die.. really developing a phobia in feeding them =( i cant help but worry whenever i deal w my mickeys just now. anyway they can not cheap at all!! one rat is equal to the price of 250 plates of chicken rice and i just wasted 500plates of chicken rice this week =(((
sorry mickey 16. i always tot u're the most guai of all.. but u left me too. go find mickey 19 asap and have some company in the future k.
tough decision making time again. add/drop. i need some clue
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
luckily some ppl brighten up my day.. like frens and kieran. a super notti boy but very sweet to me. he'll ask me why i dun have lead in my mechanical pencil den give me a lead and remind me to prepare at least 2 leads in the pencil. then he'll ask me why i dun have a pencil case ( cos today no lesson, so i just put in a pen n pencil in the bag pocket) and says if i bring a pencil, i must bring an eraser too.. after tat i ask him to refill my bottle till 200ml only since i'm gg home alr and he ask why i wan so little only, aint i thirtsy.. haha very cute boy but very notti to his maid, always bully her one! tsktsk.. hope he'll do well in his piano exam this thurs n dun waste my effort n his mum's money haha his mum aso very nice to me.. always pay on time, give me drinks and very polite. and yest she asked if i have a bf.. i was so shocked to hear tat cos she just ask me out of nowhere. so funny! when i said i dun have, she said nvm slowly find.. haha cute lo
anyway, swam 12 laps today in less than 1 hr. yayy so happy. i wan to train my running someday soon! maybe fri...
Monday, August 11, 2008
sch starts today. went to find my mickeys this morning and i discovered that mickey no.19 is very very cold, soft n weak. he dun even move when i lift him up n feed him. really unlike his usual 'talkative' (squeaks a lot) n lively self.. although he's one of the more guai ones. i am really worried that he may die!! acty i had predicted sth to happen on him as his weight drops everyday!!! keep patting to wake him up in case he's sleeping but he's not. went back to inform my LO abt it and went to find the vet at ahu. sidetrack a bit, the vet is very charming haha.. noticed him since the lab course =p keep looking at him as he explains wahaha.. anyway he said we need to do blood test for him asap to check the blood glucose as it maybe due to the treatment given. till now aso dunno why. i hope the charming vet will save him!
it's been a while since i ran. gg to swim tmr during break!! =)
on a spree again. haha cannot stop.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
i'm finding my mickeys cuter n more guai day by day. now they dun wiggle or squeaks too much as i will pat them and coax them at the same time. got a crazy idea of keeping one at home lol. dunno why some of them got lao sai. i dun mind picking up the shit if it's hard, but i realli hate the lao sai cos it just smudge everywhere and damn smelly!! so scared it will 'fly' onto my lab coat, although my coat is not tat clean afterall.. i look like a rat murderer now as my coat is full of spots of their blood! but i dun wan shit on it! eeks
yest was 080808. very nice no. and thank you for ur sms =)
'this day come only once in a lifetime just like i met you in my life.'
Friday, August 8, 2008
the day was still ok, went to sch at 8 to prepare the compounds.. but i underestimated amt needed.. cos the rats grew fat n need more drugs! lol. and i'm very happy that my morning shift was faster today.. heez so i wasnt exactly late for badminton w decki. he drove to sch so cfm earlier than me. unlike wed, i was super late for badminton =p after tat din go for rag, cos never walk past the field.. got free ride from him back to sci, so shuang. no need squeeze shuttle bus lol.
slacked all the way till my evening shift. getting sian n sleepy n all these come tog make the day very boring. and all thks to someone who called to talk to me for an hr. make my hp go flat la! then.. sth suay happened. after feeding at ard 5 40, i was gg back to lab. took the cargo lift cos if carrying chemicals cant take normal lift. everytime i take the cargo lift, i scared will ganna trap cos always got weird sounds. but it din spoil so heng la. then.. i walk to my lab to find out that my lab officer locked the main door for my tcm lab!! my key is in my bag but my bag is inside. sian lor. i'm so worried.. cos i cant call anybody aso due to my dead hp! so i walked ard that level. so qiao, saw my prof in a room! at first he tot i wan to talk to him abt my fyp.. after a while i said, eh i am locked out of the room, so do u have keys? hahahaha!! luckily he got keys but he cant open the lab door n gave me the 'uh-oh' looks. so cute la. so i tried n finally opened it. *phewww*
i always see my prof in funny situations.. it's my 4th time seeing him. first time in interview, 2nd time he open the door for me at corridor, 3rd time in the lift and 4th time today. haha
Thursday, August 7, 2008
maybe i'm just expecting too much. no expectation, no disappointment.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
the thought of gg sch everyday, mon to sun, from 8 30am till 6pm for fyp really freaks me out. i dun mind mon to thurs, since i have lesson in between, but fri to sun is terrible. i will be alone in lab, suffer from long hours of waiting times n ultimate sian-ness. any kind souls pls come save me during the breaks. haha
it's never easy to meet, understand n love someone and even harder to forget that someone. dear princess, i unds wat u're experiencing now. but i believe u can do it! dun think abt it anymore, someone is just not worth ur tears or effort to miss. life goes on with or without someone. if u have extra time, miss me instead k.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
yest after feeding my mickeys, went movie with roger n his fren yong fu. watched 'X-files'.. it's a little slow to me at the beginning and maybe tat explains for why roger fell aslp then.. but the later parts are quite thrilling! went pepper lunch for dinner after tat. it's my 3rd time there and we sat at the seat which i took on my first visit. the first 2 times were w the same person n now, diff ppl alr. sounds good.
today is a busy and suay day! the day started with feeding of my rats.. and that super violent n rebellious mickey no.18 scratched my wrist area!! he tried to come loose from my hand and he just crazily wiggle ard n his long toe nails scratched me! dunno how dirty it is lo. shit n pee everywhere! he think he's super flying rat, jump higher n higher despite me already holding onto it's tail! now he can jump up to like 20cm high n go back to his cage himself!! super crazy n violent. my wound still hurts la. i scolded n smack his butt already. mickey no.5 and 7 and 19 is quite guai, so they got some praising from me today.
then, gave piano lesson to 4 students today! tiring. but i really enjoyed time spent with the kids, they're adorable and always jokes with me.. some will complain to me his bro play comp everyday, some try to show me their own invented ways of playing piano and that notti kieran will bully me aso! he said i will turn to a rat soon since it scratched me.. he even demo how i will walk when i become a rat (4 limbs on floor) and sway his butt say i will get my tail soon! funny lol. and even hide behind the toilet floor to scare me.. haha kids ah.. his sis chloe even cuter, she said she'll play her bday prezie w me the next lesson i see her =))
Sunday, August 3, 2008
somehow when u dun keep in contact w sth and not thinking abt it for long time, u'll just forget abt it easily and carry on with ur happy life as per normal. but once tat steps in again, it's hard to stay ignorant or not think abt it. i wan to stay ignorant forever.
anyway, went chinatown with angie n hx today to shop! woohoo today is really a shopping spree day! hx got 3 skirts, 1 pants and 1 top. angie got 1 skirt and 2 tops. and i got 1 top!! yayyy =D superb. chinatown is quite a good place to shop man. not too ex.
ok tmr gonna start my 7 days a week fyp schedule liaoz.. jiayou! shd be gg gym tmr w grace too heez cos i missed today's nike run, need to go exercise to keep myself ready.

bday mother! haha
after tat, went g2000 to buy a set of formal clothing to prepare for maybe any interview or my commencement! haha super advance shopping but got sales so not tat bad. then, we went sentosa!!! haha my silly idea. cos mum said she didnt go there for many yrs already, think since i go sec sch, we neva go sentosa tog anymore.. so ya, i brought her to sentosa! took the monorail in and alighted at beach station. at first wanted to treat her to the skyride too but she said it's very hot n sunny, so went back to the shade agn.. took the free tram ride to siloso beach n back. enjoy the scenery n people-watch along the way!! it's been such a long time since i go to special places like sentosa with mummy and i really love it. we never know how many opportunities we've got to show our concern to our parents, so make full use of all these chances now! =)
due to some bad cramps since this afternoon, i dun think i can go for the nike training tmr! argh.. maybe will make up for it next week when i have breaks in between my lab. hehe i hope i'm not that lazy.. but shd be still gg chinatown w my bitches tmr la haha =D
Friday, August 1, 2008

after i get to go out to meet kat, hx, hl and shaun, the pain just go off instantly! wahaha. my frens are the cure man. anyway, had our geylang eating tour!! we first went to eat our hokkien mee, then yong he tau huay and finally our durians hahaha.. really enjoyed the food today! yum yum!! we shd go for food tours more often =)) oh ya. quite interesting to walk along the streets and see people doing 'business'. eeks. haha and we asked shaun to walk in front of us to see how many women approach him but sadly, there's none. oh shaun, does that mean anything on ur attractiveness? bleahzz. okok actually u're quite macho n man la..during the durian opening period. lolx
and ya, finally bought my mum's bday gift yest after my lab haha. it's quite hard to think of wat to buy as i had bought for her most things i can buy, like handbag, wallet, lotions etc. so, after thinking for a while, i got her a brooch!! hope she'll wear it tmr when we go out.. heez as tmr is her bday =) happy bday mummy.